Under U.S.C. 1907.Title 8, Biden is guilty of murder and could be arrested by a police officer
https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1907-title-8-usc-1324a-offenses#:~:text=Conspiracy%2FAiding%20or%20Abetting%20%2D%2D,commission%20of%20the%20foregoing%20offenses. Clint Eastwood shoots his gun in a scene from the movie Dirty Harry. (Photo by Herbert Dorfman/Corbis via Getty Images) The goal is to...
I dare those scumbag fbi [sic] agents to come for -MOI!
In this photo its obvious which one has a brain.
Perino –along with the dumb shits at Fox, just imploded with a SPLAT
The dumb shits at Fox have caught a bout of the drizzles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LFMwYp5U1g&t=45s
Pardon my language…Miss Nancy just took a big dump allll over da [sic] place
https://www.google.com/search?q=nanc+and+tne+dems+k+eel&oq=nanc+and+tne+dems+k+eel&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i10i160.766866j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fae39e9d,vid:rYPsDXywyjk,st:0 All the country's asswhpies kneeling on behalf of another asshole named floyd. [sic] It looks like a bunch of far-left --fruit loops-- we see...
Is this legal? Post captures film of potential illegals from Flordia. VP Tomarchio says no way Jose
Sometimes, it pays to stay out of sight, especially in the news biz. It's been quite a while since I wrote about this dubious and...
CNN, you guys are fucking wackos. Do you want evidence? Eat this!
CNN has a black bimbo, a real --wack off-- pervert, and https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YWrLgsT_KgQ?feature=share https://youtu.be/azLKK0xTOFI
Joe and Jill went up the hill to Hunt (er) for some loot…!
Shame on the lame street media for glossing over the total debacle this --flea brained idiot-- as Joe (the turd) embarrasses the whole country. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FWAC45p-sqs?feature=share...
See what law firm sucks in Lutherville.
There is a law firm that people need to be aware of due to their lack of manners and decorum. Imagine this for a moment....
Baltimore County Police comprehension skills are lacking, along with –who’s in charge– and no one knows
In my neck of the provable woods or the jungle in today's vernacular, it sounds like the Daytona 500 every night. What is very disturbing...
Larry the fraud
Larry has a checkered past, as the Post had reported earlier. We have more evidecnce that is almost as bad as this littl;e decption. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EU0MO-Otxf4